
Jordi Verrijdt
Graphic Designer

Based in Utrecht (NL)

Get in touch/Want to work together
+ (00) 31   6 50 59 12 50

HBO - Bachelor
    Graphic Design
    University of Arts Utrecht
    2017 - 2021

MBO Graphic Design
    Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht
    2013 - 2017

Jordi Verrijdt is a Dutch graphic designer. He is recently graduated at the University of Arts Utrecht, The Netherlands, majoring in Graphic Design. His graphical signature has powerful elements showing his predisposition for typographical work. Paper plays an important part in his graphical process. The terms editorial and graphic design are best used to describe this young designer.

Artist Statement
As an editorial and graphic designer with a fascination for complexity within themes, I like taking the viewer along in my personal search in my designs. Finding the solution is not the point however, through my work I invite the viewer to start their own quest. In my design choices I use abstraction, typography, and subtle uses of colour. Abstraction plays an important part in my processes. Various media, like prints and projections are ways I let my designs be shown to their full potential.

Expo2.0 (2021)
        Keiland - Utrecht NL
Searching Structuring Redefining (2021)
        Lou - Utrecht NL
        Filmcafe - Utrecht NL
Druk (2019)
        EKKO - Utrecht NL
Archive Live (2019)
       AG - Utrecht NL
RUIS (2019)
        Sexyland - Amsterdam NL
Multiplicity (2018)
        LEEN - Utrecht NL
Ondertiteld (2017)
        Utrecht NL

©2024 — Studio Verrijdt